Colourful Swedish Easter Traditions

One thing I am embracing, living here in Sweden cultural differences. Even weeks before Easter Sunday, the different cultural traditions have been apparent.
It is an extremely colourful time & these feathers are everywhere. (Errr…not really sure what their about but it brightens up the place up so we’ll go with it!)
Some places try to be classy and have colour schemes for their feathers – but I’m all about the multi-colouredness!
And when I say they are everywhere – I’m not kidding – they even decorate 20+ft trees like it’s Christmas – so in Sweden we seem to have Easter trees!
Swedes often use cardboard hollow eggs and fill them with chocolates! They come in all sizes & designs and you can even buy them in second hand stores.
And they even have their own Easter drink…’Påsk must’ (which tastes suspiciously like their Christmas speciality ‘Jul must’ – well, they didn’t fool me!)
Swedish Easter food traditions? Well, I might not share in some of their choices such as pickled herring, but I think I might be able to make my peace with cured salmon, spiced Schnapps & roast lamb.
For many Swedes, Easter is more about family celebration & holiday than it is about Jesus. In fact, similarly to Halloween, the children dress up as Easter witches and will visit their neighbours’ houses, presenting them with paintings and drawings in the hope of getting sweets in return.
While I love the bright colours that come with this Easter season here in Sweden, for me, Jesus is the centre of this Easter celebration & I am looking forward to sharing this season with our new family at Immanuel International Church.
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
– John 16:33
Written by Anita on 17th April 2014 in Faith, Sweden
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