When life hands you lemons, make lemonade

I’m going to start by saying that you need to watch this video…whoever & wherever you are, it will brighten up your day no end!

We’ve all heard it. No one said that life would ever be uncomplicated, it was never going to work out exactly how you wanted.

When people are hurting that are close to you, it is hard to know what what to do, what to say, what to pray for. (I really struggle with this!)

This week, several difficult situations that people I know are going through, have come to light & it hurts…it hurts them, it hurts the people around them & it hurts me.

In the middle of all of this, someone I know posted this video on Facebook & all of a sudden, I had a gentle reminder that God hasn’t given up on anyone. This is just a storm & He will ride it out with us.

So use the lemons you have – something great may come from them.

Me? I used these situations to write two new songs this week – I made lemonade.

What situations are on your heart at the moment? Do get in touch, I would love to pray for you.

Written by Anita on 25th February 2014 in Faith


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