Feeling Inspired? Not so much.
Sometimes I don’t feel particularly inspired. In fact, I often feel very uninspired. Not good for a songwriter or a freelancer!
And then I read this by Seth Godin. Well, actually Ben showed it to me. In his own words: Seth is a writer, a speaker and an agent of change.
And his words are pretty inspiring:
Abbey Ryan has painted a new painting every day for 8 years.
Isaac Asimov published 400 books, by typing every day.
This is post #6000 on this blog.
Writer’s block is a myth, a recent invention, a cultural malady.
More important than the output, though, is the act itself. The act of doing it every day. When you commit to a practice, you will certainly have days when you don’t feel like it, when you believe it’s not your best work, when the muse deserts you. But, when you keep your commitment, the muse returns. When you keep your commitment, the work happens.
It doesn’t matter if anyone reads it, buys it, sponsors it or shares it. It matters that you show up.
Show up, sit down and type. (Or paint).
Thank you Seth Godin. I needed that.
Written by Anita on 15th October 2015 in Life, Work
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