A prayer for discernment

We’re so thankful for all of you who support our music ministry at Salt Of The Sound (and more recently as Narrow Skies) – we never thought our music would grow to the extent it has over the last 4 and a half years and God continues to stir in our hearts. We are so thankful for when you can like, share and tell others about our music, and especially to those of you who support us financially through subscribing on Bandcamp, buying our music on iTunes, streaming on Spotify, etc.
This journey hasn’t been easy (but when is anything ever) and we have made many significant life changes and sacrifices to follow this path we feel called to.
Currently, we are trying to discern where God wants us next and would appreciate your prayers as to whether He is guiding us back into church music ministry alongside our music, or whether He wants us to make a change and fully focus on our music.
We have lots of questions and not so many answers and would appreciate your prayers for guidance, peace, wisdom and spiritual discernment.
Written by Anita on 16th July 2018 in Faith, Life, Music.
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